Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weight Watchers Contest

Yep, I entered a weight watchers contest, mostly because we want a free trip to New York in September. Here is the essay I wrote and a before and after pic. I think you can tell which pic is which.

Ever since I can remember, I have struggled with setting lofty goals and then doing whatever it takes to achieve them. This was never more evident than in my weight loss struggle over the last 10 years.

I found myself putting on the pounds during college after becoming engrossed in my studies and giving up my gym membership. Coupled with terrible eating habits, lack of exercise and a generally lazy attitude toward being healthy, I found myself continually buying bigger and bigger clothes. Upon entering the workforce, I officially became the poster boy of a sedentary lifestyle, sitting at a computer (and eating) all day. After seeing some photos of myself following a family function to celebrate the adoption of my second child, I decided that something had to be done. I looked unhealthy, I felt unhealthy and I was determined to do something about it.

Once I got started and began seeing results on the scale, I became more and more determined to be successful with this goal, no matter what. I put weight loss at the top of my list of priorities. As the pounds continued to come off, I surprised even myself at my determination and began to be proud of myself for sticking with my goal. When it became hard, and it did many times, I would tell myself that if this journey were going to be easy, there would not be an abundance of people who struggle with weight loss.

A major key to my success was consistent exercise. When I started losing weight, I decided to dust off the treadmill that I had used sporadically over the previous year and put it to use. I put a TV on the wall, strapped an ipod to my arm, and started slowly. I gradually built up to 4 miles a day, 5 times a week, which is my current workout regimen. I found that I enjoyed my time on the treadmill and have looked forward to my 1 hour of solace each day.

Coming back to Weight Watchers has been the best thing I have done for myself in my life. I have more energy, I sleep better, I look better, I buy clothes that I like, and my wife enjoys being able to put her arms all the way around me again. What more could a guy want?


Anonymous said...

Tood, you look fantastic--Chad and I are really happy for you. We'll keep our fingers crossed that you win the trip to NY in September!

Anonymous said...

Todd, you look fantastic--Chad and I are really happy for you. We'll keep our fingers crossed that you win the trip to NY in September!

Jordan McCollum said...

Ditto what Lyndsay said--you look great, Todd! Good luck in the contest!

emily said...

Congrats! That is so great! I don't think I would recognize you now!

Amber said...

Todd!!! that is so great! You look awesome!