Tuesday, October 23, 2007

California Fires

Just wanted to give an update on the fires in our area. Luckily, sand and Joshua Trees don't burn too well, so our family has been spared any direct effect from the fires. We are close to the Santa Clarita area, but we are far enough away that we are safe and sound. Mom and Dad in Poway were evacuated but are back home now. Brad and Button are still displaced for the time being and hanging out at Darren and Kym's in Irvine.

I thought it was kinda interesting that Michael Chertoff, Director of Homeland Security, had his mug all over the news today talking about the fires. My only question is why is Homeland Security involved at all? Is an environmental disaster all of the sudden a homeland security issue or is he all of the sudden concerned about those to the south of us making a mad dash through the flames to "immigrate" to the US? Isn't the main mission of Homeland Security to protect America from terrorist attacks?

On a related note.....does anyone else think that 17 fires all pretty much starting within 24 hours of each other on a day that powerful Santa Ana winds are forecast is a little bit suspicious? I mean, there are already reports of arson on more than one of these fires, but I find it interesting that these fires all spring up on the same day overtaxing our emergency services. Could any of this have been coordinated? I don't know. Just asking some questions. Stay tuned.........


Tyler said...

Just today I was wondering if you guys are in the danger zone out there. Glad to hear you're safe.

hombre.de.steele said...

I agree with you that 17 fires, all starting on the morning when the Santa Ana's start to blow is pretty well....coordinated. I have my beliefs that.....Maybe that is why 'The Skull', i.e. Mr. Chertoff is in the area.

One bright note on the fires. I heard reported that over 15 illegals turned themselves in to the Border Patrol to escape the fires that were raging down on the border. Crossing through the desert was just too hot!