Sunday, October 14, 2007

What is a "Carbon Footprint".....

[rant on]
According to the treehuggers, everyone has a carbon footprint. You do and I do. In order to make them feel better about their treehugger hypocrisy, some genious came up with the idea to guilt the public into buying "carbon offset credits" which means you atone for your evil CO2 emissions by paying money to "emission reduction projects (ie. treehugger organizations or "them")". This is supposed to make you feel warm inside that you are doing your part to combat climate change if you drive a SUV or you are zooming around the world in a Gulfstream V burning ridiculous amounts of Jet A. The practice of indulgences comes to mind here for some reason. Anyway, then they take your offset credit money and continue to lie to the world about this extreme climate crisis that we are supposedly in.

Speaking of climate change......have you noticed that the earth worshippers have changed the name of their pet crisis yet again?

1970's: Global Cooling
1980's-1990's: Global Warming
2000's: Global Climate Change

Now they have realized that their precious predictions that the earth would be sweltering by now were wrong and they have also realized that while some parts of the earth are warming while others are cooling, their previous description of "Global Warming" wasn't exactly accurate. Their current crisis is now called "Climate Change". I suspect in another 10 years we will be back to "get your parka ready cause we are all going to freeze to death."

The Global Climate change crisis that Al Gore has been promoting over the last few years is simply a political issue, not a climate issue at all. The globalist politicians want to be able to tax the general population even more and this is a new way to tax people. Think about it. If all of the sudden the "experts" say there is no climate crisis, guess what dries up? Their research funding. So, they have manufactured crisis after crisis and the research dollars keep pouring in as they continue to try to pull the wool over the eyes of the ignorant general population.

Climate change is cyclical and has been going on since the beginning of time. The inconvenient truth is that there is mountains of evidence to support the cyclic nature of climate change. Leave it to arrogant humans to think that we are significant enough to monkey with mother nature. We are insignificant beings and mother nature reminds us of that from time to time.

Here is a good story from just today about Dr. William Gray denouncing the ridiculous idea that humans have a significant impact on the overall global temperature:

yes, I like my carbon footprint :)
[/rant off]


Anonymous said...

Amen brother.

According to for only $250 they will offset my footprint and help me sleep better at night. I think I'll take that money and go on a plane trip somewhere...

Tyler said...

Ok, I laughed hysterically when I read the name of your blog!! Glad you guys finally set one up.

Anonymous said...

where's that website that shows the # of miles Gore travels (by airplane) to promote this load of crap?

Gore must be spending more than $250 on to offset his footprint. said...

I wonder how much Carbon is being expelled into the air with the Firestorms raging in Southern California? Who is going to pay for that 'carbon offset'?

Love your blog name and I too love my carbon foot print.